Lumen Christi College Pastoral Care is committed to developing the whole person - socially, emotionally, spiritually, intellectually and physically.

Pastoral Care at Lumen Christi College is about making the College a safe, supportive and happy place for everyone. It is our aim that no child is invisible, and we promote our Guiding Lights to help us to achieve a safe, nurturing and welcoming place for all students to come to learn:

  • qxio-starLight of Faith
    To have an optimistic faith and to appreciate and be good stewards of the blessings of life.
  • qxio-starLight of Excellence
     We are challenged to shine, to develop our gifts, to achieve our personal best and to share our talents for the benefit of others.
  • qxio-starLight of Welcome
     We are challenged to welcome, to develop an inclusive Community and to be a safe place where all are known and belong.
  • qxio-starLight of Example
     We are challenged to lead, to demonstrate respect, understanding and compassion for others and to make a difference.
  • qxio-starLight of Creativity
     We are challenged to value ideas, to explore possibilities, to have an optimistic faith and to appreciate diversity.

Lumen Christi’s House system forms an integral part of our Pastoral Care program. The College operates with five Houses: Campbell, MacKillop, Salvado, Tangney and Yagan. Each student is assigned to a Homeroom within one of the five Houses. The Homerooms are organised vertically in two paired groupings - Years 7 to 9 and Years 10 to 12.

Each House has a 'House Coordinator', and each Year group has a 'Head of Year', with a mission of focusing on the welfare and pastoral care of students. The House Coordinators and Heads of Year are part of the Pastoral Care team which is led by the Deputy Principal of Middle School and Deputy Principal of Senior School. This team also includes College Counsellors, Psychologists and Aboriginal Liaison Officers.