The College's Enrolment Policy has a priority system that offers places to children in the following categories:
- Siblings of Catholic students currently enrolled in the College.
- Catholic students from Catholic Primary Schools.
- Catholic students from non-Catholic Primary Schools.
- Siblings of Non-Catholic students currently enrolled in the College.
- Non-Catholic students from Catholic Primary Schools.
- Non-Catholic students from other Christian denominations.
- Other Non-Catholic students.
All students applying to Lumen Christi College will be requested to attend an interview with the Principal or a member of the Executive Leadership Team. Through this process the College will assess each student's ability to benefit from the personal, social and spiritual aspects of the College as well as the learning programs on offer.
In accepting a place at Lumen Christi College the parents, as well as the students consent to abide by College rules and expectations. Sincerity in the willingness to support the Catholic ethos and contribute positively to the general life of the College must also be demonstrated.
In exceptional circumstances the Principal may vary the above priorities to suit local circumstances at the time. Each Application for Enrolment will also be viewed on its merit.
Should the number of applicants in the priority categories exceed the number which can be accommodated, then preference will be given on the basis of the date of lodgement of the application.